Friday, August 21, 2009

The Famous Chicken Tortilla Soup

Even if you don't like chicken tortilla soup from any restaurant I know you will like this one. This is the only CTS I have ever found to actually like. My friends have been asking me for the recipe lately so I thought I would share it here. It is so easy I made it recently on a girls week-end get away. It make a lot but you can half it or freeze the portion not eaten for another time which is what I often do with my husband and I. Even though my son doesn't like it my niece does so even if you have children you will be able to serve this. I hope you enjoy!

The Best Chicken Tortilla Soup Ever!!

2 cans of Tomato soup
2 cans of Chicken Broth
2 cans of Beef Broth
2 cans of Pinto Beans
2 cans of Kidney Beans
2 cans of Rotelle tomatoes (original)
-It is a brand name it has chili's in it but it is mild as long as you get the original
1 can diced mild green chili's
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon chili powder
3 or 4 chicken breast cut into cubes

toppings suggested, to taste
-tortilla chips
-sour cream
-shredded cheese

Put all the ingredients in the same pot and bring to a boil, turn heat down slightly and cook for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Soup is finished when the chicken floats.
-You can use already cooked chicken but I think it hold the flavor better if you cook it in the soup, reduce the time if you use already cooked chicken.

On a different note my cousins family has set up a web-site for her son who was just diagnosed with Leukemia and you can check it out if you want. Thanks for all your prayers they are coveted!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Scrapbook Garage Sale / Craft Fair

Metropolitan Scrapbook Company is having a Craft Fair / scrapbook garage sale

O.k. ladies I know it seems early but we want to give you plenty of time to reserve your spot and to get creative. We will be having a craft fair and a garage sale all on the same day and want you to join us. If you have extra scrapbook supplies you want to sell or are crafty and want to sell your creations for a little extra holiday spending money here is your chance.

Saturday, October 24 from 10 am - 5 pm
Call now to pay for your table $25 for a 6 ft table or $15 for a 3 ft table. You must pre pay to hold your spot and you will need to be present to work your own table. Bring your own bank you will be selling your items for cash and not store credit. Craft supplies or handmade items only, please. Space is limited so don't wait.

If you know of a crafty person who does not get our e-mails please forward this on so they can reserve their spot as well.
